Tag Archives: Articles

Medicine in the High Pamir

snap01846“As a teenager growing up in small town Ireland in the 1970’s, I was fascinated by the adventures of Marco Polo and the 13th century caravans of explorers, traders, and pilgrims who traveled the Silk Road linking Europe with Asia. Many of these caravans crossed the high passes of the Parimir and Hundi Kush ranges, traversing between present day Pakistan and Afghanistan.

I dreamed of one day traveling part of this route into such areas as the Hunza Valley of northern Pakistan, and the Wakhan Valley and Parmir range of northeast Afghanistan. In spring/summer of 2014, I visited both regions.

Read the rest of the article in the Spring 2015 issue of the Alpine Club of Canada‘s Gazette.

Preparing for International Mountain Travel Risks

acc-gazette-29-1“On June 22, 2013, ten international climbers and one local guide were targeted and killed by a group of suspected terrorists at Nanga Parbat basecamp (4,200) meters) in northern Pakistan. This event, and others, including a spring incident between some Sherpas and Westerners on Everest, in Iran in 2009, Kyrgyzstan in 2000 and Kashmir in 1995 and ’98 have sparked worldwide discussion on the safety and potential risks to travelers adventuring into remote, potentially sensitive areas.”

Read the rest of the article in the Spring 2014 issue of the Alpine Club of Canada‘s Gazette.

Impact Magazine: Names Hanlon Impact Hero

January Issue of Impact Magazine

IMPACT Magazine is a monthly publication devoted to information about fitness, sport performance and health.

Read the article here.

Doctor combines his two passions to help others Tue Feb. 02 2010 17:19:24


Doctor combines his two passions to help others

Tue Feb. 02 2010 17:19:24


Article: Medicine in High Places: Living A Dream, A 20 year medical and personal journey.

Medicine in High Places: Living A Dream, A 20 year medical and personal journey.

University College Cork,
Medical Alumni Newsletter,
March/April 2009

Medicine in High Places: Living A Dream, A 20 year medical and personal journey.

Article: Medicine in High Places, Alpine Club of Canada Gazette, Vol 23, No.3, 2008, p.6-7

Medicine in High Places, Alpine Club of Canada Gazette, Vol 23, No.3, 2008, p.6-7

Medicine in High Places, Alpine Club of Canada Gazette

Article: Rockies Member Hanlon Summits Everest, Alpine Club of Canada Gazette, Vol 23, No.1, 2008, p.4

Rockies Member Hanlon Summits Everest, Alpine Club of Canada Gazette, Vol 23, No.1, 2008, p.4

Alpine Club of Canada Gazette

Article: On Top of The World – Dr. Bill Hanlon, Vital Signs, July 2007

On Top of The World – Dr. Bill Hanlon, Vital Signs, July 2007, p. 8-10

Vital Signs Everest Article